April 24, 2013

First chicken egg hatch in incubator

Here are some images of my first hatch.
The incubator that I used, after retrofitting it for my automatic egg turner and using light bulbs as the heat source.
 The Girls responsible for the eggs in the incubator.

Name: Alice
Breed: Amber Star (Rhode Island/Leghorn) 

Name: Cow Pie
Breed: Auracana/ Americana
Name: Crookie (crossed beak)
Breed: Splash Wyandotte

Name: Liberty
Breed: Blue Lace Red Wyandotte

Name: Ms. Cluckie
Breed: Amber Star (Rhode Island red/Leghorn)

Name: Penelope
Breed: Amber Star (Rhode Island red/ Leghorn)

Name: Rhode Island Rhoda
Breed: Rhode Island Red

Name: Betty Barred Rock
Breed: Plymouth barred rock

The Boss of the Barn Yard

Name: Roo Paul
Breed: Blue Lace Red Wyandotte
The outcome of the first hatch has not yet been determined, at this current time it is still going. When they are out of the incubator I will post more photos of them.